Formula SAE is a student design competition organized by SAE International, it challenges
teams of university undergraduate and graduate students to conceive, design, fabricate,
develop, and compete with small, formula style vehicles. Seniors of UNC Asheville joint NC
State University have been given the chance to make a Formula SAE car as their senior design
project. Their task is to design and manufacture an electric vehicle to compete in the 2023 FSAE
competition in Michigan! All students at UNC Asheville will be able to participate in this project
from lower to upper classmen. The Seniors will have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills
and capabilities to overcome obstacles and apply their engineering knowledge by building a
functional car in a very limited amount of time. This project will create an opportunity to build
and enhance not only UNC Asheville’s engineering community, but also create an opportunity
for cross departmental collaboration with the rest of the university!
For more information email:
How to donate
Go to Give Campus
Choose “other” in the Designation drop down menu.
Enter “FSAE” in the Gift Summary
Donors should make the check out to “UNCA Foundation”
Write “FSAE” in the memo line.
Mailing address:
UNC Asheville Foundation
1 University Heights, CPO 3800
Asheville, NC 28804